Birmingham pop punk band Coast To Coast will soon be releasing their latest EP – The Length of a Smile. With influences from bands such as Real Friends and Modern Baseball, I was curious to hear this.
The very first thing that stuck out to me on the first track (Ajax) was the vocals. The vocalist tends to sing with his actual accent. It certainly came as a surprise, and I was quite wary of it at first. That’s not to say they were bad, I just wasn’t sure about it. However, it eventually grew on me, and there’s no denying there’s some raw emotion in this track. Plus, the vocals only make it unique, which isn’t bad at all.
Heredity is also a track I enjoyed. It has a fast rhythm, catchy tune and well-written lyrics. I can see at this point where the inspiration from other pop punk bands come from, and it makes a great listen.
Post Graduation is the next track. While I like the title of the track (probably because I can relate) and the instrumentals, it was difficult for me to understand the words. I’m not knocking it any way, and I still like the track, but that’s just how I honestly felt when listening to it. I found that the vocals were a little too slurry. However, I did find that the instrumentals made up for it, but that’s just me.
And finally, we have The Length of a Smile. Out of all the tracks, I’d say this one is my favourite. It’s typically angsty, but what’s wrong with an angsty track every now and then? It concludes the EP very nicely, and it’s definitely the kind of track I’d listen to when I’m relaxing.
New pop punk albums and EPs are always exciting, so I’d reccommend giving this one a go when it comes out. It’s certainly different from any other pop punk reviews I’ve done so far, and it makes a very interesting listen. Check it out if you’re a pop punk fan.