Review: Destroy Boys – Funeral Soundtrack #4

Vicki Evans had a listen to the latest record from Destroy Boys, Funeral Soundtrack #4!

Destroy Boys recently released their brand-new album Funeral Soundtrack #4. A Gothically punk sound, with maturity and relatable themes of growing up, and feeling weary of the world around you.

As their fourth album, nearly ten years into their career, Funeral Soundtrack #4 reflects Destroy Boys’ growth as artists and people. With quite a distinctive sound, I found myself drawn in to the album quite quick. Each song is well-written, and has a clear narrative following a punk template, but with their own twist.

Bad Guy kicked us right in, with the opening lyrics ‘I want to spit on your face’. The music is softer and has quite a build up to the chorus. It immediately introduces us to the mood of the album and is easily one of the strongest songs.

Bad Guy is followed by Plucked, that has a clearer sound, and more of a storytelling aspect to it but again, sets the album up well with the themes it sings about. You Heard Yes stands out more to me, with themes that are, unfortunately, relevant and relatable. Easily my favourite song on the album.

Funeral Soundtrack #4 is out now, and available to stream and buy.

Vicki Evans

September 10, 2024

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