Following the events of episode 1, which saw the band abducted by aliens, Silverstein find themselves on an alien craft. A computer demands they help the alien race “discover the waterfront”, meaning that they want the band to play their sophomore record Discovering The Waterfront front to back. The band huddle and, wisely, opt to comply.
The record itself needs no introduction; it’s iconic and, if you’re reading this, you already know all about it. A post-hardcore staple, the release that put the band on the map, Discovering The Waterfront is full of absolute belters. It’s also, retrospectively, got a little filler here and there to flesh it out. My interest was not focused on the hits; I know these guys could bash those out live with their eyes closed. I was curious as to how well the less-famous tracks would come across live.
The answer is: phenomenally. I have never liked ‘Defend You’, but the track became an absolute rager sitting wonderfully in the centre of the set and, without doubt, pleasing the aliens. The same can be said for latecomer ‘Three Hours Back’. Perhaps these two need to be revisited on a potential Redux III (Threedux?).
Frankly, the show opened up wonderfully and never let up, ‘Your Sword Versus My Dagger’ proving it still has the chops to launch a record and, now, a live show. ‘Smile In Your Sleep’ and ‘The Ides Of March’ were glorious as ever and, even though I’m still not sold on it, ‘My Heroine’ was powerful and emotional.
‘Always And Never’ stole the show, however. It even had its own intro, a Tralfamadorian discussion of time, before launching us into a frenzy of awesome screams, ripping guitars and blinding lights. ‘Call It Karma’ is still the record’s highlight and an awesome closer, though tonight it didn’t bow them out. The aliens demanded two more and Silverstein complied and gave us the rarely heard ‘The Artist’ and oldie-but-goodie ‘Bleeds No More’ to complete the set with ever rippier guitars and screamier screams. Shane Told keeps getting better and better, frankly.
Out Of This World again didn’t focus too much on the alien plotline, it again didn’t last too long (I want a two hour live show, but I couldn’t watch my laptop screen for that long) and again they tore through a set with what seemed like relative ease. If you still don’t believe these shows are worth your time, I don’t really know what else I can say.
Actually, I do. It’s common knowledge (well, it isn’t, but should be) that Silverstein do the best acoustic versions. Next week’s is an acoustic set. I will submit this and then begin my seven days of praying in the hope I will be blessed with ‘Aquamarine’ acoustic.