DITZ – 5 Songs

Brighton based noise rock/post punk 5 piece DITZ dropped their new EP ‘5 Songs’ earlier this month and I’ve got to be honest… I, personally, just don’t get it.

Objectively speaking, it reminds me of IDLES and they’re big, right? So there is a market for that stuff and if you’re into it I’m sure this is something you’re gonna love, possibly, but personally I just don’t really know what to tell you about this EP.

It’s a less than 15 minute offering in which, for the majority, you can’t really understand what is being said to you because of where the vocals sit in the mix when all the instruments are playing together. I get its supposed to be noise rock but as a collective sound, it just sounds like a poor production drenched in reverb.

It gets slightly better with the creepy intro to Role Models and a crisper mix vocally speaking for the cover of Fuck The Pain Away, but when I listen to a band, I’m interested in what they have to say with their music, not what other people have already said.

What I will say in its defense is that it does have energy and I get the impression these tracks, and the band in general, is something that needs to be seen live. You get a real feel for a sense of energy that would probably set the room on fire in a live environment. So if they do ever come down my way, I’ll check them out to get a feel for the live side of them, but as a record, I just don’t get it, sorry.

Favourite song – Role Models (for the intro)

For fans of IDLES and… Uh…

Available to stream on all major platforms.

You can purchase 5 Songs here on the below links:


Find DITZ online on the below links:




Morgan Weeds

July 30, 2020



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