Enter Shikari brought their ‘Dancing On The Frontline’ tour to The LCR in Norwich.
Teenage Wrist kicked off the night as the venue was still filling up. I personally really enjoyed their performance, though their interaction with the crowd was minimal, which seemed to cause some attendees to lose interest rather quickly. Despite that, I’d definitely listen to their music and wouldn’t hesitate to see them live again, regardless of the limited crowd engagement.
The crowd were amped up and the lights dimmed, out came Enter Shikari, they went immediately into ‘Bloodshot’. The lighting was dazzling, shifting dramatically to a deep red during part of the song, with the word “hypnotized” flashing across the screens. It’s rare you get fun production in this venue, but Enter Shikari always smash it.
I knew it wouldn’t be long before crowd surfers started to fly over the barrier and as soon as ‘{The Dreamers Hotel}’ kicked off, it began. Vocalist Rou Reynolds encouraged everyone to get on their friend’s shoulders creating a wholesome and unforgettable moment. Turning around to see the pure joy on the faces in the crowd was genuinely heart warming.
Rou appeared at the back of the crowd on the sound desk, I say appeared because I quite honestly didn’t realise, he’d made his way back there, I’m unsure if he crowd surfed or how he got there but after my initial confusion they went into ‘Sorry, You’re Not a Winner’ and I just stopped questioning it. It was an absolute blast, and the crowd were going mental. He remained in this position for ‘The Last Garrison’, before crowd surfing back during ‘THE GREAT UNKNOWN’ (I didn’t miss it that time haha!)
They closed their set with an encore featuring ‘Stop the Clocks’ and ‘A Kiss For The Whole World x’.
I’ve seen Enter Shikari live at least 4 times now and they honestly never disappoint. It was a bucket list shoot for me too, so I’ll always cherish this show.