Ghouls are Internet Famous

Brit genre-benders Ghouls have revealed their new single Internet Famous is set for release through Animal Farm on June 8! Check out the video below; The track follows the bands success since their 2013 formation, a run that has seen them release multiple EPs and albums all to critical acclaim and tour the likes of Australia and […]

Brit genre-benders Ghouls have revealed their new single Internet Famous is set for release through Animal Farm on June 8!

Check out the video below;

The track follows the bands success since their 2013 formation, a run that has seen them release multiple EPs and albums all to critical acclaim and tour the likes of Australia and the USA. Catch them on the dates below;

25.05 // Camden // Assembly (all ages show);

26.05 // Derby // Hairy Dog;

27.05 // Canterbury // City Sound Project;

29.05 // Brighton // The Prince Albert;

30.05 // Bridgewater // The Cobblestones;

31.05 // Birmingham // Subside;

01.06 // Stafford // Redrum;

02.06 // Basingstoke // Rockus;

22.06 // London // Hope and Anchor

Elizabeth Birt

May 9, 2018

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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