Desert Island Discs – 2far2jump

Rupert Barker – Neck Deep – Life’s Not Out to Get You Pop Punk at its finest. Straight between the eyes with great guitar and passionate lyrics. Catchy but with substance. Aaron Mann – Linkin Park – Hybrid Theory Hybrid Theory was the first album I ever bought on CD. Picking up that first CD in HMV […]

2far2jump are the Guildford pop punkers who are ready to become your new favourite band. Raised on the likes of Blink 182, Paramore and Green Day, it is easy to see exactly where their influences come from.

Rupert, Alistair and Aaron from the band let us in on their favourite records.

Rupert Barker – The Hunna – 100

This album sounds so good and I can relate to the lyrics. The songs are
passionate and melodic. Listening to it is inspirational.

Alistair Hynes – The 1975 – I like It When You Sleep, For You Are So
Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It

It’s just such a great album, I love the vibe. It’s got the pop anthems,
the ballads, the ambient interludes and attitude I love.

Rupert Barker – Neck Deep – Life’s Not Out to Get You

Pop Punk at its finest. Straight between the eyes with great guitar
and passionate lyrics. Catchy but with substance.

Aaron Mann – Linkin Park – Hybrid Theory

Hybrid Theory was the first album I ever bought on CD. Picking up that
first CD in HMV back in 2002/2003, the album formed a large part of my
childhood with countless hours of listening and the band has grown to
influence me as a musician for the most part of my life.

Alistair Hynes – Against The Current – In Our Bones

They’re a great new band to check out, I feel they’re on their way to
really breaking into the mainstream market. Their music’s so upbeat and has
a great feel to it, and that’s what you want when you listen to band or
artist, music that makes you feel something.

Laura Brown

March 30, 2017


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