Colt 45 reveal new Singles Club video!

Cumbrian punks Colt 45 have revealed the latest track in their Singles Club. The video is for Reasons That You Never Smile, a double-A-side with Your Car which are available to download for free! Frontman Neil Harper says of the track; “‘Reasons That You Never Smile’ is a song about when you tell yourself something […]

Cumbrian punks Colt 45 have revealed the latest track in their Singles Club. The video is for Reasons That You Never Smile, a double-A-side with Your Car which are available to download for free!

Frontman Neil Harper says of the track; “‘Reasons That You Never Smile’ is a song about when you tell yourself something for so long that you end up believing it”. That can seep into your everyday life, but sometimes it turns out you’re not necessarily right in what you thought anyway! 

Check out the video for Reasons That You Never Smile below;

There will also be limited edition CDs of the double-A-side available at all dates of the band’s forthcoming UK tour;

2017 Scotland Tour Dates:

14/6 – Dundee – Firefly
15/6 – Edinburgh – Opium
16/6 – Inverness – The Tooth and Claw
17/6 – Glasgow – REKT-Fest @ Nice n’ Sleazy’s
14/7 – Cumbria – Aspatria Music Festival
21/7 – Glasgow – Broadcast

Elizabeth Birt

June 16, 2017

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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