Pistols At Dawn take on the A-Z challenge

Our A-Z challenge is a fun way to get to know the many bands out there. Here it’s the turn of Pistols At Dawn to tell us all about themselves.

In today’s A-Z challenge, we asked Pistols At Dawn 26 questions to find out all about themselves!

A song that made you want to make music?

All of us have had pretty different musical influences. From video game ost’s to classic rock and grunge. I’d say one of the songs where our tastes intersect is probably In The End by Linkin Park and was definitely one of those aha moment kind of songs!

Best rider you have had?

We’d have to say Taste of Madison 2023! We had a crazy spread of food waiting for us and they even switched out the dishes halfway through the day so we could try even more food.

Craziest moment in the band?

On a grand scale, I think playing that Taste of Madison show was probably one of the craziest, being in the middle of town in front of the capitol building with a sea of people in front of us. On a smaller scale during our UK tour, some fans came to see us for 3 shows on the tour, which was insane.

Deepest lyric one of your songs features?

The world turned us to stone, so we paved every road with broken hearts and broken parts from closets full of bones.

Easiest song you wrote?

This entire upcoming album was so effortless to write. We had a great team helping and really pushing our creativity. So from the songs we have released definitely “Not Sorry”.

Favourite song in your set?

For the upcoming shows, we are actually playing all new songs. So some of them have yet to be released. But I think unanimously, our favorite to play is one called Jungle.

Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?

The list is so long. But our top pics would be Jacoby Shaddix, Matt Bellamy, or Hailey Williams. 

Hardest thing about being in a band?

Organizing all our schedules to be in alignment. It’s like dating 3 people at the same time.

Interesting fact about one of your members?

Our singer Jon is from a small country in South America called Suriname and his first language is Dutch.

Jokes you have in the band?

At random moments well just shout out djungelskog and that’s just the name of a stuffed bear at IKEA. But if one of us says it, we all have to say it. That’s the law.

Key to writing a song?

Be genuine and don’t try too hard. The right words will fit the right melody. And if you’re on to something good, everything falls into place.

Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show?

Glasgow, Scotland. I think the 8hr flight plus 10hr drive makes it the furthest.

Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?

We’ve had the privilege of seeing and playing with so many bands. I think Alter Bridge was one of the coolest we got to experience and play with.

New band you’d recommend?

Magnolia Park and Jutes are two cool ones that we’ve found on Tik Tok!

Opening for this band would be ideal?


Place you’d most like to tour?

THE US hahaha we’re long overdue for another tour here. But as far as dream locations, I think we’d all love to go to Japan.

Quote that you’d like to pass on to our readers?

Remember to live.

See us live at?

Atlanta on September 14, New York on September 17, and throughout Europe and the UK for our upcoming tour with Des Rocs.

The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?

No not at all. Music is music and it will evolve. Back in the day most popular music wasn’t even written by the artist performing it. Now we have such a good mix of both and with increasingly more technology music is going to keep evolving.  Every new musician is a legend in the making.

Unusual merchandise?

As far as graphics go our most unique is our P.A.D. Thai Shirt. See what we did there.

Variations you’d like to do on one of your songs?

We want all kinds of different variations, we want to do everything from acoustic versions to edm versions of our songs. A cool one to do would be an acoustic version of Not Sorry.

What do your fans mean to you?

They mean everything. We always say that we need to create music as much as we need to breathe and our fans supporting us through all of this makes it that much sweeter.

X-rays or any other treatments needed for band injuries?

On our UK tour, there were several instances where Gabe fell on stage, Will threw out his back and Jon even jumped and dented one of the stage lights. Thankfully we’re built tough.

You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?

Gabe, our bassist.

Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band?

Rhino, cause that’s the closest thing to a unicorn.

AltCorner Staff

October 2, 2024

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