A song that made you want to make music?
“Sometimes” by My Bloody Valentine.
Best rider you have had?
The best rider I ever had was definitely the best rider I ever had.
Craziest moment in the band?
We played a show once when the portapotty was right next to the stage. That show was the ultimate sensory experience. I thought it was pretty funny, though.
Deepest lyric one of your songs features?
The bridge on “Infinite Rail” is meaningful to me.
“I’m falling down and you’re still reaching out your hand,
You’re consistently devoted despite how I feel.”
Easiest song you wrote?
For this album, I’d say it was “Hangin’ On.” As a writing exercise, I set out one afternoon to write multiple short songs. I wrote three songs that day, and “Hangin’ On” was my favorite. I was going for a Big Star flavor.
Favourite song in your set?
“Hearing Yourself,” “Girl Drummer,” and “Basement Halloween” are always fun.
Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?
James Iha.
Hardest thing about being in a band?
Trashing the hotel room every night. Eventually the thrill goes away and you’re left with nothing but existential dread and a maxed out credit card.
Interesting fact about one of your members?
I can do a frontflip on a trampoline. I get a little dizzy afterwards, but it’s still legit.
Jokes you have in the band?
I am infamous for running the band as a rigorous dictator, and I have a strict no joking policy. If I hear the slightest giggle, the faintest toot… that member is promptly replaced. It’s strictly business in Make Sure.
Key to writing a song?
Make yourself keep doing it. Some days it’s fun, some days it’s not. Have a safe space where you can be alone and experiment. Figure out what you specifically enjoy about the music you listen to. Throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks. Write, rewrite, and for your sanity’s sake, know when to take a break. I pray to grow closer to Jesus as I write, and I write to make sense of my life. It’s therapeutic for me.
Longest distance you’ve traveled to play a show?
From Alabama to Michigan.
Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?
Andy Gullahorn.
New band you’d recommend?
Kid Fears. They are old friends of mine and they have a beautiful sound.
Opening for this band would be ideal?
Sunny Day Real Estate.
Place you’d most like to tour?
The West Coast would be fun.
Quote that you’d like to pass on to our readers?
“Most of us are slow to recognize that we have lost the war against our besetting sin… We imagine that we are ‘fighting the good fight’ against sin, but the battle is already lost. All that remains is the formality of surrender– and the opportunity, the wondrous alternative, of surrendering to God instead.” – Nate Larkin, from his book Samson And The Pirate Monks.
Reason for the title of your forthcoming release?
The album is called June. June might be my favorite month of the year. It’s right in the middle of summer. As a kid, that was an incredible time to be alive. Those days were bookended by freedom. School was out, the sun was shining, and adventure awaited me. I always look forward to that time of year. The album is thematically centered around looking forward to a love that lasts, even for an eternity. The song “June” is the last song on the record, because it’s essentially an answer to everything I sing about in the previous eleven songs. On a nerdy level, the name “June” is a common lyrical thread throughout Smashing Pumpkins lore, so it’s kind of an homage to their music.
See us live at?
Audiofeed Festival 2024!
The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?
In terms of aesthetics, I agree. But I’m glad that the ability to record and share music is so accessible now, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation!
Unusual merchandise?
We’re working on a Make Sure jockstrap. It’s still in the prototype phase.
Variations you’d like to do on one of your songs?
Many years from now, I’ll contrive a narrative about how June was recorded under immense pressure from record label executives, and then I’ll re-record the album with my “original vision” intact, without fundamentally changing anything about the songs. I’ll market the re-recorded album with an attitude of heroic spite towards all the haters who held me down. It will be called June (Josh’s Version). Haters gonna hate.
What do your fans mean to you?
I love my fans! Any time someone shares an encouraging word with me, it inspires me to keep going and to do my best.
X-rays or any other treatments needed for band injuries?
None yet, thankfully!
You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?
Probably mine.
Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band?
Anteater. What you see is what you get.