Irian Darkwood takes on the A-Z challenge

Our A-Z challenge is a fun way to get to know the many bands and artists out there. Here it’s the turn of Irian Darkwood to tell us all about themselves.

In today’s A-Z challenge, we asked Irian Darkwood to tell us all about themselves!

A song that made you want to make music?

I’m a Bon Jovi fan, so, his music in general, but, I really love the ballads, like Bed of Roses.

Best rider you’ve had?

No answer.

Craziest moment you’ve experienced as an artist?

Well, I once had a man sit beside me, tell me I had pretty hair and can he touch it haha.

Deepest lyric one of your songs features?

Silent whispers of wisdom, in the citadel’s halls,Echoes of courage, as the inner strength calls.In the secret place, I find my might. (from That Secret Place)

Easiest song you wrote?

I think my songs are pretty complex, but Crazy in Love I think might have been the easiest because it is easy first me to know what that kind of love is like because I have it in my life.

Favourite song in your set?

Passion Reigns, it’s upbeat and catchy.

Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?

Lzzy Hale.

Hardest thing about being an artist?

Learning to be ok with the fact that not everyone is going to like me, mean, I want everyone to like me.

Interesting fact about you that people will raise their eyebrows at?

I really like peanut butter and onion sandwiches.

Jokes you have as an artist in your band or in your team?

I love lame jokes like ‘what happened to the frog who got a parking ticket? He got toad!’

Key to writing a song?

For me, sitting with the feelings and identifying with the experiences around them, kind of like meditation.

Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show?

So far? 2h from where I live.

Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?

I’ve met a few, but, I have to say Anthony Risseco, a fiddler here, he had some really cool advice for someone like me just starting out.

New band you’d recommend?

To be honest, I don’t know a lot of new bands at the moment, just the classics like Motlëy Cruë, and Skid Row.

Opening for this band would be ideal?

I would love to open for Halestorm.

Place you’d most like to tour?

Europe, specifically Sweden I think.

Quote you’d like to pass on to our readers?

Be brave, even if you’re not pretend to be, no one can tell the difference (Winston Churchill).

Reason for the title of your recent/forthcoming release?

Lost Heart came around because I thought I was going to lose the love of my life (thankfully didn’t), and I wanted to write about the feelings around that.

See us live at?

Hopefully in the near future, I will be live, but right now, you can find me at:





The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?

In some ways yes, but there have been a lot of really awesome strides in the industry too.

Unusual merchandise that you bought or are selling?

I don’t know about unusual, I bought a broken drumstick from the Sebastian Bach Gig I was at from someone.

Variations you’d like to do on any of your songs?

It’s funny, I have a parody I did of Lost Heart I did as a joke, called Lost Fart lol.

What do your fans mean to you?

Everything, without them, none if this would really be happening.

X-rays or any treatments needed for music related injuries?

I had to get a knee brace because I tripped on a cord and fell on the stage.

You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?

Mine, I need my makeup and clothes perfect lol.

Zoo animal that next describes the personality of you?

Meerkat ha, I emerge from my home to examine the world, look really confused, then go back in lol.

Elizabeth Birt

August 2, 2024

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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