Hot Takes: Getting to know SOM

Welcome to the feature; Hot Takes! We chat to a band or artist that we have unearthed as some what of a hidden gem and allow them the chance to introduce themselves to you, the reader.

Q1 – Who is in your band?

WIll Benoit – guitar, synth, voice (Constants, ex-Junius)
Justin Forrest – bass (Caspian, ex-Adai)
Mike Repasch-Nieves – guitar (ex-Junius, Driftoff)
Joel Reynolds – guitar (ex-Junius, Driftoff)
Duncan Rich – drums (ex-Constants)

Q2 – What is your take on your own sound?

Heavy. Atmospheric. Doom Pop. Shoegaze.

Q3 – If someone was listening to your music for the first time, what song would you tell them to listen to and why?

Either of the two songs from our new EP, Awake. They are our first outing writing as a five-piece and they represent a big step forward in the evolution of the band. ‘Awake // Sedate’ is more streamlined, but still quite intricate, while ‘Youth // Decay’ is heavier and more experimental. They represent two facets of the sound we are working toward with our second full-length.

Q4 – What is the plan for 2021?

Over the past year we’ve learned to be really patient with making plans and taking things as they come. Our plan is to finish our next record, and hopefully get back to playing shows and touring, because we were really just getting started when the shutdown happened.

Q5 – What is the one song you wish you wrote?

Pretty much anything by The Beatles, Nirvana, or the first few Metallica records.

Q6 – What three bands inspired or continue to inspire you the most?

Our influences are pretty diverse, but three bands that continue to impress all five of us are Deftones, Hum, and Torche. They all sound different and have had very different career paths, but there’s a through line for us that feels accessible but uncompromising.

Q7 – Where can our readers see you live or listen to your music?

Q8 – If your band was an animal, what would it be and why?

I’ll go with basking shark. They are massive and tough-skinned but only eat plankton and are relatively chill personality-wise.

Elizabeth Birt

April 14, 2021

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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