Wounded Touch take on the A-Z challenge!

Our A-Z challenge is a fun way to get to know the many bands and artists out there. Today it’s the turn of Wounded Touch to tell us about themselves!

In today’s interview, we asked Wounded Touch to take on the A-Z challenge so we can find out all their new EP!

A song that made you want to make music?

The earliest song I can think of that made me play air guitar and want to write music was Metallica’s  “For Whom the Bell Tolls”.

Best rider you have had?

A SXSW showcase we played had essentially limitless Topo Chico and Monster, which fueled our entire weekend.

Craziest moment in the band?

Shooting the music video for “Excerpts From a Violent Thesis” in Nick’s basement with the late and great Trevor Strnad driving over to his house last minute and shoot it with us.

Deepest lyric one of your songs features?

I would say the lyrics that strike the deepest would be the majority of our forthcoming LP, but the topic of personal grief hits hardest on our song “Condolences and Autumn Nights,” which is about the death of a best friend.

Easiest song you wrote?

Memories Like Shrapnel” was the first song we wrote as a band and I swear it came together in about thirty seconds after starting off with the snare count.

Favourite song in your set?

I’m sure this changes for each one of us in the band but right now, for me (Nick), I would say it’s either “In Mouths Wielding Silence” or “On Serrated Heartstrings”.

Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?

Either Jacob Bannon or Greg Puciato.

Hardest thing about being in a band?

Constantly readjusting approaches and tactics to keep up with daily changes to social media algorithms and focusing more than feels necessary on that instead of the craft itself.

Interesting fact about one of your members?

No one in the world loves weed more than Mike.

Jokes you have in the band?

Slowly becoming a Mudvayne cover band, which may not be as much of a joke as we say that it is.

Key to writing a song?

Having the ability to riff.

Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show?

For a one off show, probably the Furnace Fest preshows in 2021 and 2023 which was 12 hours (748 miles).

Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?

Botch on their reunion/farewell tour.

New band you’d recommend?

No answer.

Opening for this band would be ideal?

Poison the Well

Place you’d most like to tour?

Japan for sure.

Quote that you’d like to pass on to our readers?

Something inspirational from a poem somewhere.

Reason for the title of your forthcoming release?

We had several titles in mind with Fallfiftyfeet for the split and ultimately, ‘Traumatic Entanglement’ is a mixture of pieces from two different titles each of us had in mind that still felt like it was applicable subject wise.

See us live at?

The east coast/NYC this fall.

The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?

I think the draw at a local level for shows definitely was.

Unusual merchandise?

We did a straight razor with our logo engraved on it for our first EP and it would be great to make that happen again.

Variations you’d like to do on one of your songs?

We’ve talked about doing electronic/industrial remixes of our interlude from our first LP and doing a piano rendition of the closer from that record as well. Hoping to make that happen some day.

What do your fans mean to you?

As much as they can. Without them, this is no more than a bedroom project we share with relatives and close friends.

X-rays or any other treatments needed for band injuries?

Probably some chiropractic related x-rays due to chronic pain from the live set.

You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?

Everyone else’s but ours.

Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band?

Some kind of animal with ADD-like qualities, like a pack of groundhogs hanging out with a swarm of bees.


AltCorner Staff

September 18, 2024

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