Written By Wolves’ single Misery is awesome!
“The new track is an emphatic plea for something more in life than what we have been sold. The broken mental health systems, the loneliness and isolation felt by so many in a day and age in which we are more connected than ever, the over worked and stretched teachers, nurses, doctors, and employees in almost every industry, inequality in almost every aspect of society and a self-serving, capitalist ideal that is not designed to aid or look after the well-being of people, humanity, or the planet, yet continues to roll on with the ferocity of a runaway steam train,” says vocalist Michael Murphy.
“Yet, through all this, the song implores hope, that there has to be more than this and there has to be a way to dig ourselves out of the hole we find ourselves in–that we are not just made for misery and through all the negativity there is beauty in the world and the desire of those that wish to change it for the better,” he adds.