Amongst Liars have released a fantastic single called You are Not a Slave!
Vocalist Ian George said: “‘You Are Not a Slave’ is all about personal metamorphosis; not conforming to unreasonable demands and not allowing yourself to be controlled or devalued by people who don’t have your best interests at heart.
“This song comes from a recent lived experience where I was subjected to passive aggressive and toxic behaviour in a work environment, which really fucked with my psyche–but ultimately I wasn’t prepared to accept it.
“I channelled this frustration into the song, which was actually the last song to be recorded for our second album – and I was really pissed off when I sang this in the studio, so I guess everything happens for a reason!
“It also relates to personal development in general, especially with the constraints being put on people. The message is: Be yourself, break the mould and don’t be afraid to follow your dreams.”