Watch the video for ‘The Modern Rage’ now here:
On the song, the band had this to say;”The Modern Rage is a kind of patchwork of all what we love and tried to gather on this album. It’s a very characteristic song of the album Super 90′. This song mixes techniques, neo-metal/rock parts, clean and harsh vocals, etc. with a real balance between old school elements and modern metal stuff.”
“For this video clip, we wanted to make something more ironic and funny, and tried to imagine what a classroom of students suffering from ‘Modern Rage‘ would look like. To do so, we gathered a bunch of friends in a school in Paris with only one directive: bring along all that you find annoying and which unfortunately represents our generation, our era. Combined with a few old school elements (nineties here again!), this is a good symbol for this song, mainly based on a confrontation between two ways of thinking”.