Summer City – Reprobates

Summer City have been injecting a ray of sunshine into the lives of those who have had the pleasure of coming across them and the sun has literally come out while I’ve been listening to their brand new EP Reprobates (out April 22nd).

Summer City have been injecting a ray of sunshine into the lives of those who have had the pleasure of coming across them and the sun has literally come out while I’ve been listening to their brand new EP Reprobates (out April 22nd).

Opening track Signals talks about flirting in a relatable and humorous way with lyrics such as “there’s vodka on your dress and your arse is showing, no disrespect but I’m just not into you”, highlighting that not everything is always rosy, with some big drum beats. Lead single ‘I’m A Wreck’ is full of beans and a very upbeat track however the lyrics have a slight sinister turn with issues of self-harm, anxiety and depression amongst others being addressed, however it’s a definite summer anthem! With intricate guitars and continuing with the massive drums. ‘There’s Only Chemistry Here’ is very electronic-tinged. Burn It Down begins in a Blink 182 style before exploding into a ball of guitars. Closing track ‘Sound Of The Crowd’ is a stand-out track with its stripped-bare acoustics and heartbreaking lyrics, while it seems a complete contrast to the five previous upbeat tracks, it shows off the vocal ability of frontman Benji Adams.

Overall the EP is a great release and definitely one you can pull out at the BBQs and parties. Very upbeat and every track is just as great as the previous. While it may have to take a few listens to actually pay attention to the lyrics (the tracks are just way too catchy!), once you do, it becomes an even more incredible release! Too often are tracks either upbeat with little to no lyrical meaning or have a strong lyrical meaning and a slightly depressing melody to back it up, however this is definitely not the case with this EP, deep lyrics (aside from Signals, however that is just as relatable to many people) backed up with catchy melodies and riffs alongside a pounding bassline.

Elizabeth Birt

April 21, 2016

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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