Kill The Ideal – Heritage

Elizabeth Joisce had a listen to Kill The Ideal’s upcoming EP Heritage…here is what she thought!

Kill The Ideal are an alternative rock band based in the Midlands. I have been informed that they are for fans of Lower Than Atlantis and Arcane Roots so please, if you like alt rock check them out. They are about to drop their debut EP Heritage at the end of this month, and here, are a list of reasons you should buy it!

The first song I heard from Kill The Ideal was Higher, and I loved it. And as I soon found out, it really sets the tone for their new EP. For anyone who previously listened to Kill The Ideal, I cannot express how grown up they’ve become. I listened to Get Away after hearing Higher and it’s almost like 10 years has gone by, luckily not for their faces though. Heritage really has a very good sound, with a mature and natural voice from front man Ash that contrasts brilliantly with the incredibly fast paced but light drum fills from Jordan. Taking inspiration from what I can assume are the likes of Hawthorne Heights, Lonely The Brave and Lost Alone, all of whom they’ve played with, this EP contains lovingly nurtured lyrics from the sweet tones of Ash harmonising with Ross and Luke on bass and guitar beautifully. They are a huge up and coming band that should definitely be looked out for. After listening to Heritage I find it hard to believe they aren’t bigger. It’s a surprisingly anthemic EP infused with heavy riffs, talented drum fills and beautiful harmonies with the odd yell and strained vocals all used together to create incredibly catchy songs. It’s already easy to see that fans of Lower Than Atlantis will love the gold Kill The Ideal spin. I can easily imagine them to be an upbeat and jumpy band on stage and would highly recommend checking them out live if you can, but if not you could always settle for owning their current single Higher and soon they’re whole, brand new EP from the March 30th 2015, a real foot tapper.

Heritage is genuinely an outstanding EP from such a little known band, but I truly believe this could be their breakthrough. A stunning sound, I have no criticisms.

Elizabeth Joisce

March 14, 2015

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