James and the Cold Gun – False Start

The debut EP from James and the Cold Gun is False Start, which will be released tomorrow.

Opening with Seven, the EP builds in intensity with some good instrumentation and as the vocals kick in, we’re greeted with an almost indie sounding vocal line over punk rock music.
The track calms down quite abruptly just over halfway through tricking the listener into thinking it was over, before building back up for another period of indie rock brilliance.
Around the Bend is a track you would have been forgiven for thinking came out almost 20 years ago. It would not be out of place on a British indie record of the early noughties.
Closer Long Way Home is catchy and has an intense period towards the end of the track. It’s a good way to end the EP.
For a debut EP, False Start shows a lot of promise. It has a lot of the early 00s indie vibes, with some elements sounding almost Arctic Monkeys like but if Arctic Monkeys were good (I’m not an indie kid and I never got the hype).

Elizabeth Birt

April 28, 2022

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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