Vulgarithm takes on the A-Z challenge!

Our A-Z challenge is a fun way to get to know the many bands and artists out there. Here it’s the turn of Vulgarithm to tell us all about themselves!

A song that made you want to make music? 

Wonderwall. I’m sorry to the metal heads out there but I had been playing piano from the age of 6 to no real avail. Trapped my door on holiday in Turkey so couldn’t go swimming so to keep me happy I was constantly given change for other stuff, including the jukebox. I discovered Oasis properly via that machine and I started learning the guitar 2 or 3 months afterwards.

Best rider you’ve had?

Can’t say I’ve got to a big enough slot to warrant a proper rider. Any place that also offers free beer and food as well as payment for a gig is a winner in my opinion.

Craziest moment you’ve had in the band?

I wouldn’t say craziest, but I did surprise the music school I teach on most Saturdays with a performance. I think most children enjoyed what they saw, I reckon most parents were baffled, but my fellow music teachers enjoyed it.

Deepest lyric one of your songs features?

Anything from my closer from “Share if you disagree” called “I can only find nothing“. Most of my songs for Vulgarithm has humour, tries to be positive and quite often piss taking out of whatever I can. “I can only find nothing” was written when I felt like a void and whilst I love the song, I haven’t played it live and I feel due to the vibe of the song I won’t be for the foreseeable future.

Easiest song you wrote?

“FIST!” without a shadow of a doubt. There are less than 30 words in the whole song, most of the lyrics are in the piano break before the end. Such a natural process writing that one, from riff to synth to vocal to production was pretty enough finished in a week.

Favourite song in your set?

Lad Riff“. I always close with this song as it is unbelievably catchy. When I finish a small gig and I’m the last to play, more often than not I will overhear a punter from the crowd singing the song afterwards. It is sooooooo satisfying to see.

Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?

During the process of writing my debut album, I’ve had some guest vocalists in mind, one of which got back to me and said yes, the only issue is I can’t afford to pay him so that’s out. The one I had in mind who would never do it in a million year is Trent Reznor, had a whole verse section on one of my songs with his voice in mind. I did reach out but I got no reply, which to be fair, the man is one of the busiest composers in Hollywood at the moment so of course he won’t get back to me.

Hardest thing about being in a band?

The hardest thing has to be keeping an entire day free to get to a gig, load in with heavy gear, soundcheck only to find that no one turns up to watch, then the long drive home in the dead of night. It can be a bit demoralising but my only solace is that every musician or band have experienced this before, it’s sadly the world we live in at the moment.

Interesting fact about one of your members?

My debut gig nearly didn’t happened as 2 weeks before I contracted COVID-19, I wasn’t able to rehearse properly and I only tested negative 1 day before. I took the risk with limited practice and in the end everything worked out.

Jokes you have in the band?

I have many in-jokes between myself and I. I find them hilarious, but that’s just my opinion.

Key to writing a song?

You need a hook that has depth, and at least one thing within that hook that is a musical surprise. Also whilst you have that hook, don’t stay on the hook, nor then go for a generic chord sequence in the chorus, look to surprise people in every point of the song. Also with my specific genre, there needs to be an element of complete filth as well.

Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show?

Not got out the country yet but the furthest I’ve driven has been 3 and a half hours. That was a fun gig.

Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?

Trent Reznor and Maynard James Keenan. Completely different planet when it comes to music creativity, can’t compete. As for Vulgarithm, I’m also influenced by the 90s dance scene like The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim etc.

New band you’d recommend?

Not a new band per se, but they aren’t very big so I’ll mention them. Black Orchid Empire, got some great tunes and huge riffs to go along with it.

Opening for this band would be ideal?

Pure fantasy or realistic? Pure fantasy, Nine Inch Nails because that band had the biggest influence on my music throughout my life. Realistic (with a hint of pure fantasy) Skindred, they are a great live band who i’ve seen several times and they never disappoint, and at least I’ve met them and communicated with them before hence the realistic but with a hint of fantasy.

Place you’d most like to tour?

South America, just the landscape and vast varieties of culture would be interesting to take in, plus I’ve never been there before.

Quote you’d like to pass on to our readers?

 Look, I’m not much good at big speeches, and I know I haven’t always been an easy guy to get on with. And I know that, given the choice, I probably wouldn’t have chosen you as friends. But, I just
  want to say… that over the years, … I have come to regard you … as … people … I met.” –  Rimmer, Red Dwarf

Reason for the title of your recent/forthcoming release?

The Influence Song” – Nothing particularly clever, it’s a song that takes summer vibes with saxophones and summer riffs, but also takes shots at the influence culture that has taken hold of everyones lives. There is no video yet but there is a bandcamp link.

See us live at?

The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?

Absolutely. Not sure if it’s the ease of access to listen to anything, or the ease to record and release, but the mainstream music industry has become a fast food chain of music, churned out with the basic ingredients and generic themes which just feels like a terrible burger at 1am in some god forsaken kebab house. 90% of musicians don’t take the time to refine their music before release, and it’s such a saturated market for short attention spanned people, anything decent that does get released gets lost forever.

Unusual merchandise?

I had made some vulgarithm masks, only 10 of them, but I need to make more. They were huge!

Variations you’d like to do on any of your songs?

Either orchestral versions or jazz versions. I can recreate any other version but I’d love to hear a truly acoustic style of my music, whether it is big like an orchestra or an intimate setting like jazz.

What do your fans mean to you?

Everything! Without the fans, I can only enjoy the music by myself. Music can be at it’s best when a whole crowd is in sync with each other. At the very essence it’s incredibly tribal.

X-rays or any treatments needed for band related injuries?

None so far, very lucky.

You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?

The car that drives 40mph on a 60mph road but also drives 40mph in a 30mph road. I’m not a violent man………….

Zoo animal that next describes the personality of your band?

A Python. It’s slick, hunts by itself, has a fair bit of venom. It’s also the name of a beloved flying circus.

Elizabeth Birt

August 29, 2023

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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