A song that made you want to make music?
This is a difficult one. I (Nath) remember wanting to play “Waterfall” by The Stone Roses, on the guitar, after I heard that song.
Best rider you’ve had?
Party at the Palace put on a great rider – lots of booze (red wine) and a variety of food. They looked after us.
Craziest moment you’ve had in the band?
I think the fact that when we play festivals, we are playing alongside established artists and when you are on the same bill as them, that always blows our minds, so yeah, thats a bit crazy.
Deepest lyric one of your songs features?
Our latest single, “Rock Star” has a line I like a lot – “You stole my heart, and gave it a selling price.”
Easiest song you wrote?
“Winning Now” pretty much wrote itself.
Favourite song in your set?
Our latest song we are about to release, “Rock Star”
Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?
For me (Nath), I’d love Johnny Marr or John Squire to drop a solo in, here and there.
Hardest thing about being in a band?
The band members! HAHA.
Interesting fact about one of your members?
Mark can do impressions of Mickey Mouse and Kermit the frog.
Jokes you have in the band?
I think we are good at winding each other up. Unfortunately for Mark and James, I tend to tell them when I think they could play something a lot better. I am forever telling James that he is playing something from “George of the jungle”
Key to writing a song?
Patience and compromise within the band.
Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show?
So far, we played in Nottingham this year. It was great, however I (Nath) ended up having to pay a fine for driving in a bus/taxi lane for about 5 seconds…thanks for that, Nottingham!!
Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?
There are so many – Freddie Mercury, Jimmy Page, John Squire, Dave Grohl
New band you’d recommend?
I’m not listening to anyone new at the moment, but Mark likes the new Hives album! So let’s just say, us! HAHA.
Opening for this band would be ideal?
Wolfmother, BRMC, Kasabian, The Hives – All would be amazing.
Place you’d most like to tour?
Anywhere East for me – Japan?
Quote you’d like to pass on to our readers?
Be good, if you can’t be good, be good at it!
Reason for the title of your recent/forthcoming release?
Rock Star – it is basically about the highs and lows of trying to be in a band, enjoying all the moments that it brings, whether you are successful/established or not!
See us live at?
Our next gig is at “The Keg” in Paisley on the 2nd December and finally on the 16th December we finish our year at “The Attic” in Glasgow.
The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?
Yes, definitely. Bring back more mainstream guitar music.
Unusual merchandise?
Our own keyrings that are so big, you could probably kill someone with them!
Variations you’d like to do on any of your songs?
James and Mark love Ska music, so they would probably jump at that chance to do something “ska-like”
What do your fans mean to you?
Everything. The support that they show, just by showing up at gigs, commenting on posts and sharing our music, is what makes the day a lot easier.
X-rays or any treatments needed for band related injuries?
HAHA fortunately, not!
You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?
Always James or Mark – they double book themselves, or are held up by life HAHA!
Zoo animal that next describes the personality of your band?