A song that made you want to make music?
I think the song that has gotten me the most inspired to pick up the guitar and write is still ‘The Art Of Dying’ by Gojira. There’s so much that talks directly into my soul in that one and someday I hope to capture that feeling in one of my own songs.
Best rider you have had?
We’ve only been on one tour this far and we were supporting Rivers Of Nihil. Great experience overall and with all the bands being very kind and sharing most of the things in the green room, I must say all of the gigs we did with them.
Craziest moment in the band?
That is a hard question since we are all four very calm Swedish dudes, haha. If it comes to something we have achieved, I think scoring our first tour was very big and special for us. It was love at first sight, and we can’t wait to go back.
Deepest lyric one of your songs features?
I think right now, it has to be ‘Flight Of The Fireflies’ from the new EP ‘Shaman’. During 2020, I went through some weird stages with my relationship with alcohol and that’s what the song is about. Written in a lot of metaphors of course, but getting back on my feet again and staying productive was a big victory for me.
Easiest song you wrote?
I guess it has to be ‘Carvings’ from the new EP ‘Shaman’. I tried to keep it very basic and not think about it too much and the next thing I knew, I was at the end of the song.
Favourite song in your set?
I believe it has to be ‘Carvings’ right now, it’s very easy for all of us in the band to play and perform. It’s a kind of slow track and the riffs are easy but heavy.
Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?
There are so many, haha! If I’m allowed to dream big, I would love to do something with Joe from Gojira sometime. That would be intense.
The hardest thing about being in a band?
I think the hardest part is to keep everyone engaged and motivated but stress-free, haha. Members have joined and left, but I think the line-up we have now is the Orbit Culture I always wanted. The drive and dedication in those guys are unmatched.
An interesting fact about one of your members?
I can do facts about each member! I can’t grow a beard other than the pirate goatee. Richard collects Star Wars toys and figures. Fredrik loves his Dingwall more than life itself. Christopher stutters when excited.
Jokes you have in the band?
It’s mainly stuff from the Swedish YouTube culture. Bad YouTube clips and shit. I think you must be a Swede to fully appreciate them, haha.
Key to writing a song?
If it does not sound the way you want to be in one hour or less. Ditch it! Been way too many hours that I’ve worked on songs that would never work or make sense in the end, haha.
Longest distance you’ve traveled to play a show?
I think to the first show of the Rivers Of Nihil tour in 2019, we went ten hours or more from our hometown here in Sweden to Berlin. That was a fun ride, though! Loads of excitement going on our first tour.
Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?
That’s a tough one. Every single time I go to a show and just want to leave after the first two-three songs to go home write, because I want to do what they are doing, haha.
New band you’d recommend?
Humanity’s Last Breath has been around for a while, but I think I’ve addressed it enough, the production and vastness of that whole thing floor me all the time. I’ve chatted with Buster (the mastermind behind the band) from time-to-time and I always say that my band is just a ‘wish’ copy of HLB with clean vocals, haha.
Opening for this band would be ideal?
Gojira, Metallica, Static-X, Lamb Of God, Trivium etc. Tell us where and when and we’ll be there! I’m looking at you, booking agents.
Place you’d most like to tour?
The US is on top of the list. One of my teenage dreams is to play in New York City, whether it would be for 10 people or 1000 people. It does not matter, as long as I have done it.
Quote that you’d like to pass on to our readers?
“Success is just the tip of the iceberg.” I love that one, I always come back to that one if I’m stuck or just unmotivated to do anything at all, or seeing other people having huge success. If you are a musician or doing anything else creative, remember to stay focused and put in your best effort every day.
Reason for the title of your forthcoming release?
This has some kind of a weird back story, to be honest. It’s a very privileged thing to say, but when the pandemic hit, I really started to miss going abroad, especially to the jungle and the ocean. I think that found its way a lot into the EP and the further I went, I got interested in the psychedelic substances that shamans use in healing and stuff.
See us live at?
Right now, I think the closest date is June 17, 2022, in Switzerland! Head over to our website for more information.
The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?
Both yes and no! The music, for me personally, yes. However, in this age and day, there are no limitations when it comes to being creative. Everyone can make an awesome album or song at home at the price of a computer and audio interface or less. It’s a tougher market I’m sure since it’s so crowded, and since you barely get paid for streaming and stuff, especially in this genre. But back in the day, it was the labels that more or less controlled what you were going to listen to and you can make anything you want to listen to.
Unusual merchandise?
Hmm, nothing particularly comes to mind right off the bat.
Variations you’d like to do on one of your songs?
I think acoustic versions of our slower ballad songs would be interesting to do.
What do your fans mean to you?
They are everything to us. The support we got from our fans is incredible. They share everything on all social media platforms which is great and they purchase the t-shirts and stuff with their own hard-earned money to keep the engine rolling. We can’t thank them enough.
X-rays or any treatments needed for band injuries?
Not yet, fortunately!
You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?
Mine or Christopher’s fault. We are just confused people, haha.
Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band?