Of Concrete Gods take on the A-Z challenge

Our A-Z challenge is a fun way to get to know the many bands and artists out there. Here its the turn of Of Concrete Gods to tell us all about themselves.

A song that made you want to make music?

Go by Pearl Jam

Best rider you’ve ever had?

Back when the “Scream” student pub chains were still a thing, I played the one up in Manchester. Wasn’t exactly a rider, but the manager took the bands out for a curry once the gig was over. If you buy me a curry, I’m all yours.

Craziest thing you’ve experienced in the band?

One of us had to escort a drunken fan to the toilet once, held his hand the whole way there. Not mid-set of course, that would have just been weird…

Deepest lyric one of your songs features?

One of the songs we’re working on for the album is called “Death of the Fool”, and contains the line “All my dreams are sewn inside of me.” I’ve always liked it, because it reminds us that no matter how hard we try we can’t ever escape the expectations that we place on ourselves. We are our worst enemy.

Easiest song you wrote?

It’s probably the new single, “Good Samaritan” – it fell together pretty effortlessly.

Favourite song in your set?

Obsidian” – we’ve always closed our set with it, and when we settle into Simon’s solo at the end I always get goosebumps.

Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?

I’d love to have Hel & Taz from Undersmile on a track, I reckon their voices would sound fantastic with our sound.

Hardest thing about being in a band?

At the moment, not being able to get together properly, and not knowing when we’ll be able to gig again. Covid has taken far too big a bite out of what we’re able to do.

Interesting fact about one of your members?

Our drummer Paul has another band – The Sun Dog Collective – that started out as a solo album he created to raise awareness for mental health and CALM. He’s had various other people join him on recordings and at gigs, and it’s a very different sound to us.

Jokes you have in the band?

Some of our riffs end up named after food for a while, until they take proper shape as songs. “Obsidian” was called “Stew & Dumplings”, and still is if you ask Rich.

Key to writing a song?

Don’t overthink it. It’s okay to go with what feels good, rather than getting bogged down in what you think people want to hear. Just write for yourself.

Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show?

Covid shut down gigs mere months after our debut show, but in a previous band I did a tour of the Czech Republic, which was a lot of fun

Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?

Chris Cornell, he had such a presence live

New band you’d recommend?

I tell everyone to check out Gévaudan, they are superb

Opening for this band would be ideal?

Stone Sour would be the dream

Place you’d most like to tour?

Getting out to America would be awesome. We could play shows to some great crowds, and get really fat on diner food and BBQ.

Quote you’d like to pass on to our readers?

“I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folks are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed.”

Reason for the title of your recent/forthcoming release?

The song is about how people are much more willing to tell/hear an easy lie than a hard truth. These lies allow us to see ourselves as a “Good Samaritan” when in reality we’re probably not.

See us live at?

Our covid-fueled fever dreams.

The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?

It’s a generational thing. For most people, the best era of music is the era they spent their teenage years in. Because it shapes who we are and what we truly love. It’s always downhill from there.

Unusual merchandise?

We’ve been looking at grinders. Very very tempted.

Variations you’d like to do of any of your songs?

We’re big fans of unplugged sets, so will definitely be looking at acoustic shows when we can play again. Also, “Good Samaritan” slaps pretty hard, it could be a dance track.

What do your fans mean to you?

Everything. Without fans, this whole thing is just an ego trip. And while I might have a big ego, I’m way more interested to hear what a song means to someone else, because it can change the song entirely.

X-rays or any treatments needed for band related injuries?

Simon actually had to take some time out to sort out a nasty case of tinnitus. He blames it on how heavy our riffs are, but we all know it is really because he was listening to Steps too loud while hoovering the house.

You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?

Everything for the rest of time is Boris’ fault.

Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band?

A rhino. Big, fat, heavy, and could knock through a wall if we wanted to.

Elizabeth Birt

February 10, 2021

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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