A song that made you want to make music?
Andy – Helmet – The whole of “Betty“. Made me realise you didn’t have to be Steve Vai to pick up a guitar and write something stomping
Best rider you’ve had?
Andy – Promoters CONSTANTLY ignore our all our “Coke & Strippers” demands, but I need a good sugary drink and some breaded chicken to perform full-tilt, so more fool them…
Craziest moment you’ve experienced in the band?
Andy – Haha!! It’s actually remarkably dull being in a band. Although, back in my Stoopi days, we did nearly get stabbed in Bristol, mainly coz our bass player kept drunkenly wandering around calling everyone “Nearly Welsh Cunts”. How to make friends and influence people.
Deepest lyric one of your songs features?
Easiest song you wrote?
Andy – Probably “Evasion“. The vocal parts just kinda fell out of my head, fully formed. it almost wrote itself!
Favourite song in your set?
Andy – Again, probably Evasion. There’s just such a bounce to it, the groove will not be denied!!
Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?
Andy – Oh god!! Too many. But probably Maynard… although that would probably be counter productive, because I’d just end up fanboying myself into a substantial coma, and wouldn’t get any work done.
Hardest thing about being in a band?
Andy – Diaries. Trying to coordinate the lives of 4 (allegedly) grown ups with grown up lives is both hard and annoying.
Interesting fact about one of your members?
Andy – …and shatter the mystique?!
Jokes you have in the band?
Andy – There’s a thing with Gorilla’s but I’d hate to ruin the surprise…
Key to writing a song?
Andy – There has to be a hook. Something has to leap out and crate an idea in my head, and usually, the first one is the one that we go with. If it’s not there, you can’t force it.
Longest distance you’ve travelled to play a show?
Andy – The length and breadth of the UK!! Looking forward to getting outside it at some point. I head Cancun is beautiful this time of year…
Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?
Andy – It sounds super cheesy, but probably John. None of this would be possible without him, so who the hell else could I pick?!
New band you’d recommend?
Andy – My boys in Karybdis – give ’em a listen
Opening for this band would be ideal?
Andy – Twelve Foot Ninja – only because they’re the fucking best.
Place you’d most like to tour?
Andy – Canada! It’s like breaking the US, but with nicer people and fewer guns.
Quote you’d like to pass on to our readers?
Andy – “You can only piss with the cock you’ve got”. Wise words for life right there
Reason for the title of your recent/forthcoming release?
Andy – Because it sounds proggy as fuck!Penumbra – “The penumbra (from the Latin paene “almost, nearly”) is the region in which only a portion of the light source is obscured by the occluding body. An observer in the penumbra experiences a partial eclipse. An alternative definition is that the penumbra is the region where some or all of the light source is obscured (i.e., the umbra is a subset of the penumbra). For example, NASA‘s Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility defines that a body in the umbra is also within the penumbra.[2]”
See us live at?
Andy – The Underworld, supporting OTEP on 13th Feb, and at the Academy, Islington with Pist.On, 21st March!! <—that’s an exclusive, right there!
The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?
Andy – Doesn’t everyone, eventually??
Unusual merchandise?
Andy – Dude, we’re not KISS. We’ve just about got our shit together to get some t-shirts printed!
Variations you’d like to do on any of your songs?
Joe – We have toyed with acoustic versions to a few.
What do your fans mean to you?
Andy – Help us get some, and by Jove, we’ll let you know!! Haha – hey, anyone who digs us – THANK YOU!!! I require constant validation, so it means worlds to me.
X-rays or any treatments needed for band related injuries?
Andy – Oh god, plenty! Slipped discs, dislocated knees, bruises, bleeding… it’s well glamorous, being in a band.
You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?
Andy – John’s. Always.
Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band?
Andy – The penguins. No one suspects the penguins…