Heather Kathryn takes on the A-Z challenge!

Our A-Z challenge is a fun way to get to know the many band and artists out there. Here it’s the turn of Heather Kathryn to tell us about herself.

In today’s A-Z challenge, we asked Heather Kathryn 26 questions to find out all about herself!

A song that made you want to make music?

Quite literally every Hannah Montana song *laughs*.

Best rider you have had?

Getting Kool Aid juice pouches was top tier.

Craziest moment as an artist?

Playing the Troubadour a year into my performance career

Deepest lyric one of your songs features?

What’s it like having a perfect girl but not a perfect life – I’m not her.

Easiest song you wrote?


Favorite song in your set?


Guest you’d most like to feature on your record?

Charlotte Sands.

Hardest thing about being a solo artist?

Making people care about your music and funding your projects.

Interesting fact about you?

I used to have a pet pig named Puddles Remington the Third.

Joke you like to tell?

What do ducks smoke?

Key to writing a song?

I write based on life experiences

Longest distance you’ve traveled to play a show?

NAMM in Anaheim, CA

Most inspiring musician you’ve experienced?

Seeing The Rolling Stones live was absolutely incredible as well as Justin Bieber and all the bands I saw at Warped Tour in 2018.

New band/artist you’d recommend?

Shout out to my band mates that have their own artist projects Benign Envy, Matthew McMenamy, & Olivia Rose.

Opening for this band/artist would be ideal?

Charlotte Sands, Waterparks, Demi Lovato, Paramore and the list continues.

Place you’d most like to tour?

Everywhere! But I can’t wait to go to London.

Quote that you’d like to pass on to our readers?

My first tattoo that reads “Become Your Dream.”

Reason for the title of your forthcoming release?

It’s a secret but for now stream MY TRAGIC LIFE 

See me live at?

My next show! It hasn’t been announced yet 🤫 follow me on IG @heathermaekathryn for updates

The old days of music were better than the current, do you agree?

I think there are good and bad things about both time periods.

Unusual merchandise?

Temporary tattoos so everyone can match me

Variations you’d like to do on one of your songs?

I want to make “How We End” an upbeat pop punk banger instead of where it sits currently. Also want a bossa nova *laughs*.

What do your fans mean to you?

Without my fans I would be nothing so I really owe them everything and they mean the universe to me.

X-rays or any other treatments needed for performance-related injuries?

I’m always getting random injuries but nothing from performing except a few bruises.

You’re late for a show, whose fault is it?

Ooo out of the band mates either Matthew or Luke.

Zoo animal that best describes the personality of you?

I think I would be an elephant! They’re loud, love music and sing, they care about their friends and feel emotions.

Elizabeth Birt

October 10, 2024

Band management assistant. Goth princess and lover of all things music and sport.


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